Roll forward


The rolling forward of Working Papers was my initial reason for undertaking the project.

Initial Process

Monthly (75-90mins):

  1. Navigate to Sheet
  2. Copy all columns less one month
  3. Paste 2 columns to the right
  4. Head columns for the correct date
  5. Re-title for Sheet for current month
  6. Remove sign offs
  7. Re-link any cells
  8. Repeat for every Sheet in workings

Year end (90-105mins):

  1. Repeat the monthly steps
  2. Copy initial column
  3. Paste over prior year column
  4. Head prior year column with the correct date
  5. Repeat for every Sheet in workings

New Process

Monthly (1min):

  1. Untick roll forward & sign off Boxes
  2. Tick boxes

Year end (1min):

  1. Untick roll forward & sign off Boxes
  2. Tick boxes


Call main code from relative cell

The code must remain reusable for each check box which defines the named range it will connect to.

Option Explicit
Sub RollFwd()

Dim I As String

'Set FA as variable name
I = Range(ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller).LinkedCell).Offset(0, -2).Value

'Run Copy Paste Module
Call CopyPaste(I)

End Sub

Main code block

Each Range which will be copy/pasted/cleared is named & prefixed with its Sheet name. The call function provides the prefix for the named range defined next to each check box. Each Sheet may then be built as needed using the pre-defined script.

If you're interested in seeing the code below, please reach out @sidtrengove

Sub CopyPaste(ByVal I As String)

'Define Variables
Dim StringOne As String
Dim StringTwo As String
Dim StringThree As String
Dim StringFour As String
Dim StringFive As String
Dim StringSix As String
Dim StringSeven As String
Dim StringEight As String
Dim StringNine As String
Dim StringTen As String
Dim StringEleven As String
Dim StringTwelve As String
Dim StringThirteen As String
Dim StringFourteen As String

'Create Variable Strings with I as variable
StringOne = I & "Copy"
StringTwo = I & "Paste"
StringThree = I & "Clear"
StringFour = I & "CopyYE"
StringFive = I & "PasteYE"
StringSix = I & "ClearYE"
StringSeven = I & "CopyExtra"
StringEight = I & "PasteExtra"
StringNine = I & "ClearExtra"
StringTen = I & "CopyExtraYE"
StringEleven = I & "PasteExtraYE"
StringTwelve = I & "ClearExtraYE"
StringThirteen = "ReportingMonth"
StringFourteen = I & "PasteDate""

'Run Copy Paste Actions with set variables
If Range("##removed to prevent html inspect##").Value = True Then
    'For the purpose of no clear area
    "##removed to prevent html inspect##"
	"##removed to prevent html inspect##"
    'Set YE areas
    Dim CopyAreaYE As Range: Set CopyAreaYE = Range(StringFour)
    Dim PasteAreaYE As Range: Set PasteAreaYE = Range(StringFive)

    'Set extra areas
    Dim CopyAreaExtra As Range: Set CopyAreaExtra = Range(StringSeven)
    Dim PasteAreaExtra As Range: Set PasteAreaExtra = Range(StringEight)
    Dim ClearAreaExtra As Range: Set ClearAreaExtra = Range(StringNine)
    'Set YE extra areas
    Dim CopyAreaExtraYE As Range: Set CopyAreaExtraYE = Range(StringTen)
    Dim PasteAreaExtraYE As Range: Set PasteAreaExtraYE = Range(StringEleven)
    Dim ClearAreaExtraYE As Range: Set ClearAreaExtraYE = Range(StringTwelve)
    'Set date area
    "##removed to prevent html inspect##"
	"##removed to prevent html inspect##"
    'Copy and paste YE
        If Range("MonthNumber").Value = 1 Then
            "##removed to prevent html inspect##"
            "##removed to prevent html inspect##"
            Application.CutCopyMode = False
			"##removed to prevent html inspect##"
            PasteAreaExtraYE.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
			"##removed to prevent html inspect##"
			"##removed to prevent html inspect##"
        End If
    'Copy and paste month to month
    PasteArea.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
	"##removed to prevent html inspect##"
    'Copy and paste date
    "##removed to prevent html inspect##"
    "##removed to prevent html inspect##"
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    "##removed to prevent html inspect##"
    'Clear extra
    "##removed to prevent html inspect##"

End If

End Sub