The preparer may wish to flag points to the manager. They may do this through the use of these hyperlinks and a centralised schedule. However, it would become annoying to have to find every new month and return them so a check box automates this process for the user.

Initial Monthly Process (20mins)

  1. Find and remove points from each schedule
  2. Type point for manager on each sheet
  3. Manager finds the point as they are reviewing
  4. Manager edits review points for new information

New Monthly Process (5min)

  1. Tick box to return placeholders
  2. Type point on centralised schedule
  3. Cut and Paste placeholder to relevant area
  4. Manager reads centralised points at start of review


Create dynamic code to take in numbered placeholder Range

Sub ReturnPlaceHolders()

If Range(ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller).LinkedCell).Value = True Then

Dim I As Byte
Dim ph As String
Dim PFMPoint As String

For I = 1 To 12

ph = "PFM" & I & "ph"
PFMPoint = "PFM" & I & "_"

Dim ReturnCell As Range: Set ReturnCell = Range(ph)
Dim ReturnArea As Range: Set ReturnArea = Range(PFMPoint).Offset(0, -1)

ReturnCell.Cut ReturnArea

Next I

End If

End Sub